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Gaudidesigner : Park Güell
Park Güell
Gaudi planned and directed the construction of the park in Barcelona from 1900 to 1914 for Count Eusebio Güell.

The park was originally part of a commercially unsuccessful housing site. Only three lots were sold: two for the home of Trias family, and other that Gaudí purchase for imself in 1906, and now it is a museum dedicated to Gaudi.

This park is a place of great plastic beauty. A grand stairway divided by a mythological dragon or lizard leads to the large hypostyle hall.

This is built with 84 inclined columns. These in turn support the great upper plaza, a fine balcony over-looking the city and the sea.

The large plaza is delimited by an extraordinary balustrade-bench which twists in serpentine manner to form winding course, recesses and small semi-enclosed areas where the facing of brightly colored ceramics creates a spectacular collage which seems to have anticipated a vein explored later avant-garde artists.

UNESCO declared Güell Park a place of World Heritage in 1984.

The architects Jose Antonio Martinez Lapeña and Elías Torres in charge of the restoration of the Park Güell from 1985 - 1993.

Fortunately, they center their creativity in the old residence of the Count Güell, turned in a state school, where by negligence was destroy the Gaudi chapel screen.

The more censurable, was the manipulation of the long bench a Gaudi master piece, with the substitution of most of the original "trencadís" by modern tiles, leaving to the bench a bathroom aspect. © 2025

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