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Casa Batllo / Cabinet-work
Batllo family.

On this old photo, we see dining room chairs and a perfect execution table (disappeared) like many Gaudi furniture during the civil war....

Photo in situs - circa 1906...

Double seat by Gaudi casa Batllo
103 x 165 x 80cm- Oak.
Made for the dining roomt, this double seat allows two people to converse in comfort despite its unyielding materials. Gaudi designed one seat...

Fauteuil double - 103 x 165 x 80cm - Chêne - Collection Privée
Made for the dining roomt, this double seat allows two people to converse in comfort despite its unyielding materials. Gaudi designed one seat for men and another, wider one for women, to accommodate ...

Made for the dinning room Batllo. It can be seeing in the Gaudi 's Casa museum at the Güell Park.
Batllo and Mila Armchairs
Batllo and Mila Armchairs
This armchair served as a model for the double and triple seats made by Gaudi for the dining room in Casa Batllo. It can be entirely dismantled and might have been one of th...

Photo in situs - circa 1908...

Séparation du salon Batllo - Bois de chêne et cristal
Set of folding doors making it possible to create a more intimate space inside the noble salon. This partition anticipates the screens at Casa Mila.



Batllo Interior...

Batllo door knob....

Sliding doors in situs - photo 1906...

Batllo doors detail with the missing door knob in brass....

Private chapel cabinet in the living room Batllo we can see the large golden wooden altarpiece which is in the museum of the Sagrada Familia...

Kiki Uhart with the Chapel Batllo doors NY. Allan Stone Gallery.
In the back the Batllo Corner glass for the Dining-room.

Old collection Kiki and Pedro Uhart Paris....

Large golden wood frame representing the Saint Family - By Gaudi and Llimona
This object was originaly made for Batllo's house.

Sculpture in a Batllo Door....

Door detail...

Wall cabinet in the vestibule... © 2025

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