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Casa Mila / Others Materials

Kiki Uhart in the old apartments Mila, today is a exhibition room - Caixa Catalunya...

Morocco dunes, they presented a great similitude with the Mila ceilings - provably a Gaudi inspiration source during his trip to Tanger...

Morocco dunes, they presented a great similitude with the Mila ceilings - provably a Gaudi inspiration source during his trip to Tanger...


Detail: Casa Mila ceilings

Column Mila
114 x 34 x 34cm - Wood plaster and gold leaf.
This pedestal was modelled as a naturalistic sculpture reminds us of the different doorknobs and the ceilings of the Casa Milà.

Kiki and ...
Altarpiece in gilded wood and ivory stucco
Altarpiece in gilded wood and ivory stucco
Made by Antonio Gaudi and Josep Llimona for the chapel in Casa Mila
A similar object, currently in the collection of the Casa Museo Gaudi at Park Güell in ... © 2025

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